@yjochi: RT @USConnectKyushu: (1/2) American citizens: If you are in Kyushu, please let friends/family in the US know your status thru email or soci…
@yjochi: RT @USConnectKyushu: (2/2) Americans in Kyushu: If you do need urgent assistance, please contact US Consulate Fukuoka at 092 751 9331.
@yjochi: RT @USConnectKyushu: Americans in Kyushu: Please see our Facebook page for additional sources of information on flooding: URL…
@yjochi: RT @USConnectKyushu: Americans in Kyushu: Please refer to the following link for road information. Black lines indicate road closures: htt…
@yjochi: 1937年に、南太平洋で行方不明になったアメリア・エアハート。新証拠として、エアハートと航空士の写真が紹介され日本軍に捕らわれたのではと。しかしエアハートの捜索には日本軍も費用をかけて加わり、戦後になってもエアハートを捕らえた資料も目撃談も全く出て来ない。日本軍捕虜説は疑問。
@yjochi: RT @businessinsider: A new documentary attempts to solve the disappearance of Amelia Earhart URL URL