Murky deals likely to help Chongryon avoid eviction

Yoji Ochiai, a lawyer who is a former prosecutor and familiar with issues concerning Chongryon, said, “The resale of the property is a commercial trade between private companies, and there is no legal problem with it.”
Ochiai also said: “If Chongryon ends up renting the property, it will obviously lead to distrust in society. However, if officials related to North Korea remain clustered at the headquarters, public security officials will have the advantage of being able to easily ascertain what they are doing.”

先日、読売新聞の朝刊に出ていた記事ですが、英文でも配信されているのを見つけました。「familiar with issues concerning Chongryon」となっているのは、以前、朝鮮総連の土地・建物を巡る詐欺事件で、元公安調査庁長官の主任弁護人を務めていたことがあるからで、当時は、事件記録や証言などでいろいろな情報に接しましたから、そのような経験も踏まえてのコメントでした。